House Cleaning Schedule

House Cleaning Schedule – Spring is here, which means it’s time for spring cleaning! These printable cleaning checklists will make cleaning your home daily, weekly, and monthly a breeze! Just print them out and check them off as you clean!

I’m not sure what the fascination with spring cleaning is, but I sure catch the bug at the first place of spring blooms! I suddenly have the urge to clean every square centimeter of the house and become a cleaner. Maybe it’s because the first time the sun really shines on our windows, I can suddenly see all the places I must have neglected to clean over the winter, and I suddenly feel like we might be the dirtiest people ever I know it’s not true, but that’s how it feels when the first time a bright ray of sunshine shines through the windows directly in front of our stove. Suddenly I see sticky liquid dripping down the front of our oven and dust that seems to have settled everywhere.

House Cleaning Schedule

House Cleaning Schedule

That feeling that everything is dirty and needs cleaning can be really overwhelming. One way to make cleaning a little easier is to have a checklist of things that need to be cleaned. I want to share 3 free printable cleaning checklists with you today! Simply click on any of the sheets to print them all! They are completely free and you can print as many as you want. If you want to be able to reuse your checklists, you can laminate them and use a dry erase marker to mark the items on your list.

Free Summer House Cleaning List · The Typical Mom

Daily cleaning can seem difficult and I know we are all busy with childcare, work and life. The daily cleaning checklist is more of a guide for each day. Use this list as a guide for everything you can, and if you can’t do all of these things daily, don’t worry! Some of these things are fine if done every few days. I use this checklist as a reminder and do what I can when I have time! Also, don’t be afraid to ask your kids to help you with a few things… you’ll be surprised how much they’ll enjoy checking something off your list!

This weekly cleaning list is probably my favorite! It’s a good reminder that if you spend just 10 minutes a day decluttering one room, your house will be much cleaner. Sticking to this schedule has helped me not feel overwhelmed with keeping our house clean to a great extent. I also found that after a few weeks it took me less time to do things because nothing was as dirty now that I was up to speed. I can’t stress how much less anxiety I have now that I’ve kept things cleaner and more organized. You’ll be surprised how peaceful everything looks when your house is clean!

A monthly cleaning checklist is great for eliminating some things that we don’t need to clean as often and that we may have forgotten about. I try to tackle one of these things every day or maybe a few every weekend when I’m not so busy. Some of these things are done every other month instead of every month, and that’s okay too. As I mentioned before, these checklists are more of a guide than a necessity. And… you don’t have to do them all yourself! Get your family involved to help you check things off the lists.

Now that you have your cleaning checklists, you may be wondering how you can clean all the things on your lists. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! I’ve covered most of the items on the checklist to make things easy for you! If you’re a big Mama 4 Real reader, you’ve probably read most of my cleaning tips and tricks. If you’re new here, you can start here! Check out my Home Cleaning Tips and Tricks HERE for hundreds of easy home cleaning hacks, home cleaning solutions and home organization tips! How to create a weekly cleaning schedule with defined tasks for each day of the week so you know exactly what you need to do. the house is always clean enough.

Free Printable Weekly House Cleaning Schedule

Elegant and shiny bathtubs, bright and shiny furniture and crystal clear windows. We can all agree that we like to have them and

Many of us are stuck in a cycle of not cleaning much until we have to. Guests arrive, so we exhaust ourselves cleaning everything in the house, enjoy a day and go back to the old ways. Or we go into a spring cleaning frenzy, start attacking the spring cleaning checklist and stop halfway.

We break this cycle by doing something every day to make cleaning the house much easier.

House Cleaning Schedule

Just looking at them makes you want to throw your hands up and not clean.

Excel Of House Cleaning Schedule.xls

Second, they are impersonal. Some people need to wash their tubs every week, but many don’t. We don’t have to clean to clean.

And finally, the default cleaning schedule doesn’t take into account all the other things going on in your life!

Now most of us are not so lucky. We go through phases where we sit and do nothing, and phases where we clean everything in sight (often before company comes over!).

This is where a schedule can come in handy. Deep cleaning tasks in your home can become overwhelming if you don’t break them up a bit. The good news is that you have a whole week to get things done. Do a little each day and you’ll get there.

How To Make A Personalized Daily Cleaning Checklist For Your Home

Every day you should try to get your house back to a state where you won’t be embarrassed if someone comes over. Just restoring it to an acceptable state of cleanliness and order. Purely “good enough”.

If that’s something you feel like you do every damn day, then I’ve got news for you: you have it every day.

If you find it helpful to create a house cleaning checklist that you refer to every day with all of your cleaning tasks, write it down to make sure you don’t forget anything. (I have a blank one you can grab here.)

House Cleaning Schedule

Have you ever heard the saying “it’s easier to loosen a bolt than to tighten a bolt”? It’s actually about raising children. (Sounds a bit dark, doesn’t it?). In any case! The basic principle is this: if you start tight, you can relax along the way. But if you start loose, it’s hard to get tighter.

Realistic Cleaning Routine For Busy Mamas

The more you struggle to keep your house clean, the stricter you need to be with yourself to begin with. As you develop good habits, you can relax a bit and switch to a more flexible system.

But to start with a good structure, try a system that tells you what to do each week.

Here’s an example. (Feel free to mix it up, change it completely, whatever works for you. The key is to give yourself a lot of structure in the beginning and a little more freedom as time goes on.)

Monday is perfect for laundry day. You’re home most days after the weekend, and the new week feels like a fresh start.

How To Develop A House Cleaning Schedule That Works

There’s nothing quite as cheerful as a shiny, clean kitchen. Kitchen cleaning day is one of the most satisfying days of the week. This is a great day to go shopping (or get groceries if you’re tired of cleaning), because the fridge is cleaned out.

Cleaning the bathroom is not fun, but it is necessary. If you have enough children to do this work themselves, let them do it. Just because it is

These are places that are easy to ignore because you can close the door when people take cover.

House Cleaning Schedule

Many of us tend to shove things we don’t really use into rooms like this. (Ahem.)

Ten June: Free Printable: A Weekly Cleaning Schedule

And since we don’t cook in it, it seems easy to put off cleaning. It never looks like an emergency cleaning. The result? Dusty and messy rooms we don’t like to be in. The best way to get rid of this is to give these rooms their place in the weekly cleaning schedule.

Many of these tasks are very physical and demanding. If you can afford a house cleaning service, these are excellent tasks to hire.

Right Tough question. I understand that many people work full time outside the home and cleaning for two hours a day is just not realistic.

First, discuss your daily cleaning tasks. How much do they need? Mine last about an hour a day and are part of my morning and night routine.

Weekly Cleaning Chart

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