
Feedback – “The most important thing in business is to get as close [to] your customers as possible,” said Indra Nooyi, former CEO of Pepsi Co. As Nooyi puts it, he’s touching on what should be the driving force behind innovation and growth for businesses of all sizes: customer feedback. Customer feedback is one of the most important and valuable tools for informing customers, mapping sales and marketing strategies, improving product development, and driving growth. When you collect the feedback, however, the best way to respond is not always clear. Other customer reviews such as scores or numbers, such as the Net Promoter Score Survey (NPS). Some answers are in the detailed, long comments. So how do you combine all of this information and turn it into a clear plan to support your business? How to turn customer feedback into action Start with goals in mind. As with any business, you shouldn’t just throw things at the wall and hope that something will work out. The process of gathering customer feedback should be effective and driven by specific objectives, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely. For example, early in product development when trying to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), customer feedback is critical to understanding how to create a product that customers will love. When you enter the growth phase and start to compete more with other companies, you will start to develop and improve your brand. On the other hand, you may have a product or service that is suitable for a fast-growing product market. If so, then your goal from a customer perspective may be to find a way to ensure that customers get the most value from your product or service. Feedback at this point should focus on understanding the customer experience including the referral process and the ongoing relationship. Keeping this up to date can help ensure that customer satisfaction doesn’t drop as your company grows. In each stage, you should ask customers to respond based on your product or service and the vision you have for your business in the future. That way, you keep some evolution of your offering in mind, and by asking customers what they think about it, you can determine if it’s a profitable strategy to pursue. Include a variety of responses. Good feedback, maybe customer engagement should go beyond NPS. While NPS is a great way to determine how you’re doing against your industry’s competitors, the results don’t tell you what to do to improve your business. Reviews can take the form of anything, from scoring and smiling to detailed analysis and behavior. By asking for this combination, you can get complete, quantitative answers to both your customer’s opinions and the reasons behind those opinions. For example, when HubSpot releases a new product, they send surveys to their customers with red, yellow, and green smileys, indicating dissatisfaction, respectively, wet and happy. When the customer responds, they ask a follow-up question and give the customer the opportunity to enter the answer in the comment box. Based on the answers they provide, a representative from HubSpot will contact them for more information. This is a good example to show different customer segments. Smileys provide measurable data (ie the ratio of red faces to blue faces), while the comment box provides information about the data. Once HubSpot identifies similarities in words, their follow-up conversations can dive deeper into each customer’s needs, challenges, and desires and use these to create a strategy for improvement. Ask for feedback at every stage of the customer life cycle. Feedback doesn’t have to be just for the customer – and it’s not just about your product, either. You can ask for feedback from every stage of the customer’s life in every part of your business, from your product or service to your marketing. For example, when a sale closes, you can ask new customers their thoughts on the pieces they interacted with, how to help them make informed decisions during the sale, and how they feel. When they have been using your product or service for a few months, ask them if their expectations during the sale were met. This will help you coordinate your company’s marketing, sales, and service departments to create a seamless customer experience. At New Breed, we solicit customer feedback at every stage of our development. By breaking this down into segments and tracking customer feedback over time, we can better understand which segment needs improvement. Find the “why” and the “how”. Data may tell you that only 10% of your customers are using a certain product in your product, but if you really want to change that trend, you need to know why. they can change the medicine to make it more interesting for them. The answers to these two questions will provide an overview of the problem and help you understand the best solution. The HubSpot example I used above is a great illustration of how to put this why in your content: Smiling faces reveal what customers are feeling. The comment box tells you why the customer feels this way. The following discussion shows how to correct those feelings. Lesson We leave you with this: 70% of customers who are not satisfied with a problem solved are willing to buy from the business again. This means that you can stop 70% of customers from abandoning by changing their negative thoughts to solve their problem. As a user of your product or service, customers have a unique perspective on your product, service, and business as a whole, and they can tell you what you need to do to best serve them. If you are not asking for customer feedback and improving your business processes based on that feedback, you are missing out on great opportunities to improve your business, delight your customers, and reduce costs.

Guido is Head of Product and New Brand Development. They work hard to run critical programs internally and help account managers run them for our customers.



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Things You Should Never Do When Giving Employee Feedback

Interestingly, research shows that 58% of managers think they provide enough feedback. So, how can something as important as giving feedback to employees be overlooked or just seen as too important for most managers to talk about in the workplace?

It is easy to overlook the importance of the answer. When you’re busy, scheduling one-on-one meetings with every employee can seem like a poor use of your limited time. However, the lack of effective solutions can often lead to a loss of productivity.

In fact, a Gallup survey found that a staggering 70% of employees said they felt they didn’t have enough interaction with their boss and that they never came back to the office to commit to doing their best work. Gallup estimates that these early retirements cost the United States up to $550 billion in lost income each year.

Things like this can disrupt operations – from employees missing work days and distracting co-workers to driving away your best customers.

The Four Paths To Effective Feedback

Knowing how to respond clearly is an important part of the job for any manager, supervisor, or HR professional. But what can you do to ensure that your employees reach their full potential, feel engaged, and strive to improve their performance?

In this article, we’ll look at three ways you can be good at giving and receiving feedback. These strategies can also help you build better relationships at work while encouraging your direct reports to connect with their workplace. When you learn how to give positive feedback, you can have a huge impact on your team.

After all, the answers can be vague ideas


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