Product Vision Board

Product Vision Board – Created by renowned product management expert Roman Pichler, the Product Vision Board is designed to help product teams define their vision and create a high-level strategy to guide the entire product development process. This network is divided into five main sections:

This strategic exercise forces the development team and product stakeholders to agree on a single, unified strategy for bringing the product to life. Putting this vision “on paper” creates team alignment at all stages of the product development process. It also provides an opportunity to address critical but often overlooked questions: What positive impact will this product have on the world? Why should our organization develop? Why now?

Product Vision Board

Product Vision Board

While a Product Vision Board workshop may seem too formal at first, it has proven time and time again to be a necessary step to get everyone on the same page. As part of the broader Agile process, the Product Vision Board is something that can be referenced throughout the product development process, aligning the vision and strategy with new or more current market dynamics and needs. as data leaves room for improvement. . your target customers will gather.

Product Vision Board By Nik Blanarik On Dribbble

A product vision should be clear, concise, easy to remember, easy to repeat, and most importantly, supported by everyone on the product team, including key business stakeholders. A well-defined product vision should ideally facilitate strategic decision-making, engage stakeholders, and give the entire product team a greater sense of purpose.

In today’s largely VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and uncertain) world, it is more important to create a solid product vision. In many ways, it can serve as a “north star” to help the product development team focus on creating product experiences that really matter to their target customers or end users.

In this way, the definition of the product vision is an ideal opportunity to highlight the key features that distinguish your product from the competition and emphasize its importance in the here and now to your target customers. When done right, this strategic exercise encompasses the broader product strategy, giving the entire team a better way to make decisions that keep your product’s unique selling points and benefits in mind.

If you’ve never held a Product Vision Workshop before—or have only done so with varying degrees of success—here are three tips to get the most out of them every time: “This is your last chance. After that, there. no looking back. take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe what you want to believe.. Take the red pill – stay in wonderland, I’ll show you the depths of the pit. rabbit.” The Matrix ” Morpheus tells Neo. This quote reminds me of the choice we make when it comes to a new product idea: should we abandon it or should we make it happen? To decide how to implement the idea, I developed a Product Vision Board. This In this post, I’ll show you how to use a board to start your product discovery process and create a new digital product.

Vision Board Template

Recently, I had the idea to develop an electronic tool, a digital version of the product canvas. Canvas is a multi-dimensional product suite that enables teams to accurately capture the user experience, including user interaction and user interface design. Since posting the pattern in July 2012, I have received many encouraging comments. Some people suggested an electronic version, and Johan Steenkamp started working on a free, web-based product canvas as part of his Fiddle Business Model.

After a few months of freely collaborating with Johan, I wondered if he should offer an advanced digital canvas. To help you make the right choice, I’ve created a vision board for the new e-product canvas. But before I present the table to you, let me briefly remind you what a view table is.

A product vision board captures initial ideas and expectations for a new product, as shown in the image below.

Product Vision Board

The table above describes the overview that drives the product. It shows who should use and buy the product (target group), why people want to use and buy (need), what are the main features of the product (Product) and why the organization should spend money on the product (value). .

Your Guide To Creating A Product Vision Board — Stormboard

It is important to understand that the vision plan is intended to initiate the process of innovation and product discovery. It does not want to describe the user, the product and the business model comprehensively or in detail. Instead, capture the critical assumptions that will make or break the product. If you want to capture how a product is monetized with its business model, then we recommend using the advanced version of the vision plan or supplementing the simple version shown above with the Business Model Canvas.

To clear my mind, I sat down and made a plan to review the new product. Although I’m a big fan of simple and physical tools, I decided to build an electronic viewing table because I wanted to share a table with Johan, who lives in New Zealand, while I was in the UK. An initial preview of the product I developed:

To create the board, I started with a statement that seemed deliberately broad. It allows me to look at my idea of ​​an electronic tool, even if it is ill-conceived. At the same time, the vision reminds me that the new product is designed for one purpose only: to help the organization create great products.

Then I wrote down my thoughts about the user. In addition to product managers and product owners, individuals building their own businesses may find this tool useful. Since I’m not so sure about this group, I’ve italicized it. I use this convention in other sections of the board.

Polaroid Diy Vision Board

So I focused on user needs by formulating them as goals, for example. Note that I chose to work with a common canvas rather than listing the various items. This makes it easier to prove the need. If you want to express more than one need on your board, prioritize and focus on the most important.

In the next step, I will list the specific features of the product that I think will help the product stand out. I was careful not to advertise a specific solution like an iPad app or a web app. It’s still early and will narrow down the options very quickly. Before deciding on the specifics of the product, I would first like to confirm the needs of the target group. Accordingly, the vision board may change based on new insights.

Finally, I mentioned my business’s motivation for investing in digital canvas. As with the other sections, I tried to focus on what I considered to be basic assumptions and avoid the temptation of projecting a business model until I learned more about the users and their needs. After all, a business model only works if the needs are properly met!

Product Vision Board

The next step for me is to refine and then validate the board with an iterative process as shown in the image below.

Creating A Vision Board

Since the biggest risk is the question of whether there is a strong enough need for an e-website, I plan to host a series of problem-solving conversations focused on the challenges product owners and managers face today in identifying, capturing, and transforming needs. .

Problem conversations focus on the user’s needs, goals, and pain points, not the product itself. In fact, it’s a good idea to exclude any product review from the problem conversation and ask, for example, “Will this feature be useful?” There are other research methods, of course, such as user observation, but I am convinced that interviews are suitable for now. I hope that the interviews will help confirm my assumptions and allow me to learn more about users and their needs. This should help me narrow down the solution and find a viable business model.

As Morpheus says, “welcome to the true wilderness.” We only guess and guess, we live in a dream world. By testing our ideas, we turn them into reality.

Roman’s Study Course Product Strategy and Roadmap Register Now Roman’s Book Strategize, 2nd Edition Buy the book. 10 Tips for Using Key Performance Indicators Read the article. Product Vision Board and GO Product Roadmap as models.

Building A Product Users Want

Before I introduce these models, I want you to know a little bit about Romano and his huge influence on the Agile community.

In the early days of Agile, the Scrum community consisted of a small group of dedicated and passionate people. That’s it

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