Marketing Game Plan

Marketing Game Plan – If you’re just starting out, a checklist of the first steps you need to take can do wonders to keep you organized and on schedule.

You can’t create an effective marketing initiative without understanding what you have to offer and why. Value propositions are a simple and clear way to understand your customers’ needs, which will lead you to design products and services they want. This allows you to tailor your products and services to realistic market needs.

Marketing Game Plan

Marketing Game Plan

The first requirement for nailing down a solid marketing strategy is to understand who you are trying to sell to. Customer segmentation, the practice of dividing your customer base into groups of individuals who are similar in certain ways such as age, gender, interests, and spending habits, can help you predict needs and what the different groups you are targeting expect to offer. .

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Another indispensable element of a good marketing strategy is understanding how you can reach your target audience. Your options are almost endless: SEO, SEM, Facebook ads, content marketing, affiliates, partnerships, email marketing, app stores, etc. However, choosing the right channels can be the difference between wasting money and reaching the right audience.

It is also very important to understand how you can retain your customers after they have completed their first purchase. Building a retention program through things like customer loyalty and brand loyalty initiatives will help you keep as many customers coming back as possible.

Once you’ve established the basic requirements for a successful marketing strategy, it’s time to figure out the details that will make all the difference.

At this stage, it is important that you understand the specific goals and be able to experiment with different variations and versions of your initial plans. Use checklists, templates, and other tools to guide the process and use specific data to support each decision in this phase.

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Another important element is understanding how to plan and adapt within a certain period of time. To avoid things getting out of hand and dragging on (and thus losing money), set schedules for each stage of planning and execution and do your best to stick to them.

It’s also important to know which of your tasks are the most important to do. To make sure everything is moving forward, your to-do list should be organized, determined by both the importance and the schedule you set for each phase of your project.

At this point, as you plan and anticipate your launch, your focus should be on setting clear goals for the launch as well as identifying aspects of your plan that could be improved.

Marketing Game Plan

Before you launch, it’s important to set tangible goals and objectives on things like revenue, reach, income, and other metrics that are important to the success of your product or service.

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Identify your strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats for your project or business venture as part of a structured planning process. The SWOT analysis method involves identifying the goals of your business or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that goal.

Make sure everything is ready for the launch of your adventure. This includes double-checking that the right marketing tools are in place, that everything will be done within the budget you set, that resources are allocated correctly, and so on.

Finally, you should review each element of the plan you have made so far and see which points can be polished and improved. Try to anticipate obstacles and other undesirable situations that may arise in your current plan and try to find solutions.

For more useful information on all aspects of marketing and product development, follow us on Twitter or check out our website.

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This collection of posts will help you learn how to address scaling issues, improve customer referrals and bidding opportunities, develop a clear product roadmap, and select the right team to with the right resources and operations.

We are The House, a digital brand and marketing agency. We believe business is extraordinary, we think differently to help you thrive. An indie (independent) game is a game created by an individual developer or small team without financial support from a publisher. The flagships of the indie game industry are games like Braid, World of Goo, Super Meat Boy and Minecraft. The latter is the best-selling independent game according to the Guinness Book of Records, with tens of millions of copies sold.

Typically, indie games are created by individual developers, small teams, or small independent companies. Due to their independence, indie developers have no operational or creative restrictions against publishers and do not require publisher approval, which is mandatory for major game developers. As a result, the project budget does not limit the game designer’s decisions. Also, the smaller the team, the more clearly a developer’s individuality is expressed. Small teams, big opportunities, and no boundaries for creativity create an environment where indie games can be innovative, creative, and have great artistic expression.

Marketing Game Plan

Indie games originated on the computer. In the early 1990s, indie games experienced their first wave of popularity thanks to the share distribution model. Since the late 2000s, the industry has experienced a second wave of popularity due to online distribution services.

The Marketing Game Plan

When seeking funding for a new game, independent developers can use crowdfunding, finding a publisher, or creating a supportive community to develop the game. Just as the mainstream video game industry is comparable to the mainstream film industry, the independent game industry is comparable to the independent film industry. However, the indie game industry has turned to online sales. For developers, online sales are more profitable and more accessible than retail sales. Also, with the rise in popularity of social media, a new genre of casual games has emerged. However, there are individual examples of independent games that have brought significant profits. Regardless, for most developers, indie games are more of a milestone in their career than an opportunity to create a commercial product.

Despite Minecraft’s success, most indie games have been less successful. Statistically, a typical indie game on Steam costs less than $10 and only sells a few copies. The average consumer will not buy unpopular games. Indie gamers are very demanding, but if you come up with an effective marketing plan, you can reach your gamer in this niche as well. In this post, we will share a must-have guide on how to promote an indie game.

The first step to effectively market your game is focusing on app store optimization. In fact, more than 50% of apps are discovered through search. If that’s where your target market is looking for things, then you need to make yourself visible. And ASO is the answer when it comes to discoverability.

Optimize your game name, keywords and description to suit app stores. Note that Google Play Store users may have different search keywords than iOS users. Try to include as many search keywords as possible to attract your target users, but keep them all relevant.

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And above all, make sure you highlight how your game differs from its competitors. Use screenshots and phrases that are sure to grab the user’s attention.

A well-known growth hacker in the app industry, Oliver Kern shares that the launch phase of an app is not the phase that decides its success or failure in the market. He says the soft launch is what makes all the difference.

A soft launch is what helps you determine if a game is ready to go or needs a few more iterations before being introduced to millions of mobile users. The trick is to release your game to a limited audience, measure their experience, and improve your game based on their feedback and engagement before the full launch.

Marketing Game Plan

As an independent developer, you should aim to reach the maximum audience of your target market with a limited budget. This automatically means that unlike publisher-supported games, you can’t spend on unlimited ads to get users. One of the ways you can get discovered by the masses without breaking the bank is influencer marketing.

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Find influencers with followers that are within your target user demographic. Contact them with an offer to review your game on their channels. This could be their YouTube channel or stream. The idea is to use their influence to reach out and convince your followers to try your game.

As we said, as an indie developer, you need to maximize what you have and use it to grow further. The same goes for user acquisition. You don’t need to start spending on ads right away when you get some referrals from your existing users to reach.

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