Facility Maintenance Checklist

Facility Maintenance Checklist – Deferred maintenance is the death of any property management or real estate investment business. Buildings that are not properly maintained lead to costly repairs, frustrated tenants and lost rental income from vacancies, and an overall decline in property value.

Although building maintenance takes a lot of time and effort, a good building maintenance checklist is worth its weight in gold. This is especially true for remote real estate investors who need to keep a close eye on their properties from afar.

Facility Maintenance Checklist

Facility Maintenance Checklist

Today we’re going to give you the only building maintenance checklist you’ll ever need, which you can download, save as a template, and keep adding to as you build your portfolio.

The Ultimate Preventive Maintenance Checklist

Building maintenance helps you find and fix problems before they happen. Also called planned or routine maintenance, building maintenance can help increase property value by taking care of assets and rent-paying tenants.

Especially for multifamily buildings, deferred maintenance can lead to a void, which eats into your cash flow, cash on cash return, and—ultimately—the value of your assets.

Instead of reacting to repair requests, building maintenance checklists apply preventive maintenance to the building with a preset inspection schedule based on factors including time of year, type of tenants, and manufacturer guidelines. is

Routine inspection and testing can be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. The goal of each inspection is to ensure that the equipment is operating at peak efficiency for as long as possible.

E20 52 Facility Design

Discovering an unexpected problem while performing routine maintenance, such as an HVAC air compressor set to break down in the middle of summer.

A correction is needed to correct a detected problem before it worsens and causes total equipment failure.

Prevention improves each time an inspection is performed, with past inspections and maintenance reports serving as a guideline for scheduling maintenance and preventing future equipment breakdowns. .

Facility Maintenance Checklist

Although building maintenance costs appear as an expense item on the P&L (income statement), savvy real estate investors understand that having a good building maintenance program also helps boost the bottom line.

Free Download: 5 Property Maintenance Checklists

A good building maintenance checklist should include the following items to ensure that property values ​​are maintained and the health and safety of building occupants and the general public are not put at risk.

Property managers and building owners can download free building maintenance checklist templates then customize each checklist template with items specific to a building or location.

A good building maintenance checklist will help increase property value, keep rental income and cash flow strong, and ensure the health and safety of building occupants and the general public.

By detecting, correcting and preventing minor problems, property owners and managers have more time to focus on improving the performance of investment real estate.

Questions For Successful Event Site Inspection [free Checklist Template]

For a $2,000 per month rental: 1. If you have the rental on the market for an additional 15 days you lose $1,000. 2. Damages of $1,000+ for eviction. Learn how to quickly find and select a qualified tenant while complying with the law. We will not track your information when you visit our site. But to stay in line with your preferences, we only need to use a small cookie so that you are not asked to make this choice again.

Checklists can be a great tool for standardizing routine tasks that should be done regularly. Similarly, a preventive maintenance checklist can be used to simplify a variety of preventive maintenance tasks.

However, preventive maintenance checklists are useful only if they are deliberately created and include all the necessary information.

Facility Maintenance Checklist

There are many benefits to having an official list of steps to follow when performing routine maintenance work. Here are the main four:

Facility Management Requirements Checklist

There are many wrong ways to do a job, but there is only one way to do a good job in the least amount of time. Outlining the steps a technician should take during a PM improves productivity, helps newcomers get the job done correctly with minimal supervision, and allows a technician to jump in and do the job. Makes it easier to complete what someone else is doing, and, most importantly, improve. Overall quality of work. Use SOPs to standardize maintenance work across the board.

An effective preventive maintenance schedule avoids equipment damage, which not only represents decreased productivity, but can also represent workplace safety risks for employees. Additionally, a preventive maintenance checklist reduces human error and includes important safety instructions that minimize the chance of injury.

When you have a maintenance plan for each piece of equipment as well as who is responsible for it, it becomes easier to identify why something went wrong. Fewer accounts receivable means one has to spend less time solving problems.

Since there is a clear list of steps that everyone must follow, it is very easy to estimate how much time a technician will need to complete their assigned tasks. This means that a maintenance manager will have an easier time scheduling and managing maintenance work.

How To Prepare A Preventive Maintenance Checklist

It is very likely that you will want to create maintenance checklists as part of your preventive maintenance strategy. If this is indeed the case, many of these steps should already be familiar.

Aside from looking at examples (which we’ll do later), the easiest way to create a good PM checklist is to learn what should be included in one.

Of course, in addition to everything mentioned above, you should also describe the actual steps. How to make those steps is what we’ll cover next.

Facility Maintenance Checklist

Too much information can be just as confusing as too little. Finding a balance can be difficult. In general, a good PM should be simple enough for a novice maintenance technician to follow with minimal supervision.

Sample Workplace Safety Inspection Checklist Template

Step-by-step checklists should always list the steps in which they are to be completed.

Bonus tip: When you have your preventive maintenance checklist ready, have an experienced maintenance technician run it through to make sure you haven’t skipped a step or two. After all, they are the ones who have done this a million times before and know the properties of the property in question. Alternatively, you can ask a senior technician to do it first. Examples of preventive maintenance checklists

If you do a simple Google search, you can find a few different forms of preventive maintenance checklists. In the following examples, we’ll show you a few favorites so you have a better idea of ​​what would be the best way to do this for your company.

Complete steps can be found in these templates created by iAuditor. They are a better alternative to paper (but still can’t measure the operational increase that a CMMS can provide). Below you can see an example of a report that follows this exact pattern.

Operation And Maintenance Checklist

The checklist follows most of the guidelines we’ve mentioned. Since the operations the technician has to perform are not really dangerous, specific safety instructions are not required.

While we’re here, let’s also look at a more detailed example used in practice that’s a little different from the HVAC we shared above.

This is a sample for testing electric forklifts from APC Solutions. This is what the checklist looks like when you rely on pen and paper. You should include details like operator name, forklift number, forklift model, etc. When using a CMMS, most of this “administrative” data is automatically tracked by the software as an asset, and all of its details are already saved in the CMMS database.

Facility Maintenance Checklist

The preventive maintenance checklists you can see above are your standard step-by-step maintenance checklists. However, there is another type of checklist that you can employ, and they are called pass-or-fail checklists.

Facility Inspection Checklist Template (better Than Excel, Pdf Forms)

As their name suggests, pass or fail maintenance checklists work to check assets against predetermined criteria. The test may include a visual inspection (whether something is broken/missing) or something more “advanced” such as measuring the temperature level of a specific component (if the temperature is within normal levels, the asset/component passes the test. has done and vice versa).

It depends on the workflows and best practices you have established in your organization. What should happen is to create a Work Order (WO) to deal with the spotted problem.

By now, you should have a good understanding of what a good preventive maintenance checklist looks like. However, the process becomes much easier and automatic if you can rely on CMMS software.

To give you a quick teaser, this is the example we’re working on as we try to replicate the air conditioning checklist described in one of the previous model examples.

Easy Preventive Maintenance By Forming A Preventive Maintenance Checklist

Disclaimer: The instructions and images used in the following example are for illustrative purposes and serve to demonstrate some of the capabilities of Prime Builder.

To begin, the maintenance manager creating the checklist should navigate to “PMs” in the dashboard and click “New PM Template”. see below:

After that, they choose whether they want to create a blank template or reuse an existing one.

Facility Maintenance Checklist

In the picture above, you can see that we have already entered some spare parts that can be used for this PM.

Routine Boiler Maintenance Checklist

When you click

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